Breaking in a New Bundle – Beautiful Balloons and a Stamped One Sheet Wonder

Whether you have just purchased a new stamp set or already have one previously purchased waiting to be used, it can be overwhelming getting started with new images you haven’t used before. Over the years of being a Stampin’ Up! demonstrator and purchasing hundreds of new stamp & die bundles I realize I have a process for “breaking in” a new bundle. Today we are going to practice this breaking in process with the Beautiful Balloons Bundle. AND I’m going to walk you through a very fun activity: Stamped One Sheet Wonders! Keep scrolling through the post so you don’t miss out on four templates you can use to create your own OSW cards.

Rewatch the video tutorial where I walk you through both breaking in a new bundle ideas and creating stamped one sheet wonder templates! Then download the pdf to help you create with templates!

Papercrafting Playdate 90 – Breaking in a new stamp set and a stamped OSW

The first thing I always do with a new stamp set bundle is what I like to call my homework. Perhaps it is the teacher in me, but I feel strongly about creating a reference sheet for each bundle that will make it easier to use the images and dies over and over again. It’s like a gift for your future self!

Beautiful Balloons Bundle Homework

Steps for Breaking in a new Stamp Set & Die Bundle

  1. Do your homework! Create a reference sheet for the images and dies in the bundle. Any information that you might need to create more easily the next time should be added to the reference sheet including measurements.
    • Stamp and cut out all the dies.
    • Connect the dies to the images – see what goes together.
    • Investigate which images and dies can be used by themselves.
  2. Practice using the main images one-by-one to create backgrounds. See how they stamp, and how they need to be inked.
  3. Next create focal points with each of the main images and use the dies to cut out if needed.
  4. Take notes on any inspiration that pops into your head while you are creating for future cards.

I used the same process to work through the images and dies in the Cheerful Daisies Bundle. One by one I used the images and dies to create backgrounds and focal points. Just keep creating backgrounds and focal points with all the images to help you learn about the bundle.

Here are some practices I do all the time and never get tired of:

  • Stamping images in White Craft Ink on dark cardstock to create a background
  • Stamping images tone on tone = same color cardstock and ink color
  • Use greetings as backgrounds.
  • Collage backgrounds using all the images in a stamp set layering them over and over.
Cheerful Daisies Bundle Homework

Stamping One Sheet Wonders – Templates to Love!

Stamped One Sheet Wonder Template #4 with Beautiful Balloons

But there’s MORE! You can actually cut up your beautifully stamped OSW in different ways depending on how many cards you want to make! All of the samples I shared above use Cutting Template #1 to make 4 cards out of my stamped OSW, however there are lots of options!

Oh, my friends! I hope you can use some of the ideas I’ve shared today and will find some bundles you have to “break in” and USE! I wish you so much stamping fun!

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8 thoughts on “Breaking in a New Bundle – Beautiful Balloons and a Stamped One Sheet Wonder”

  1. This makes so much sense! I usually jump in the deep end when getting a new bundle and create things I have seen others do without really thinking about the set myself. The tip for using vellum also gives you a way to see where you need to add elements as you go along. What do you do with the homework after using it for a bit?

    1. Hi Susan! Good question about the homework. I keep my homework in a binder, and if I decide to sell my bundle later then I send the homework along. I really like how you did your cherries homework. I guess you could make your homework a bit differently than how I do it so that you could turn it into cards later?

  2. Stephanie Bargelski

    My favorites are the daises and the daisies using the blue azure ink. I also LOVE the balloon set.

  3. Debra Geist Buysse

    I’m glad I caught your video today. Sadly not live.
    Are you going to share any more of your planner book when you decorate it? I really enjoy those for some reason. I hope others did too.
    I have a silly story for you. when you made the corner squash fold card. I just had to try it. it was close to midnight. the measurements, no problem, the folding Big Problem. I made a template like you suggested.
    Figured I must be a bit tired. I put it away , got it out the next morning tried again for about 20 minutes. Brain was in does no compute mode. Finally got it. haha
    Thank you for all you do to inspire me.

    1. Hi Debra! I’m so happy the corner squash fold finally cooperated for you! The key is to make several in a row to lock down the process, right? YES! I have filmed May’s pages and have been so busy I haven’t been able to finish it. Hopefully it will happen. I’m glad you enjoy those. I really like making them. Best way to play with pure stamping.

  4. Hi,
    This was so perfect, I can never figure out how to use my stamps or dies. I loved everything about this. From your video to this page. It opened my eyes to how to break in all my stamps and or die kits. I can see I need to file these templates and I just wanted you to know how much this post inspired me.
    My kits look great but I’ve never had much confidence in using them.
    Thank you Xx

    1. Hello Lynn! I’m absolutely thrilled that you found this information valuable. Makes me very happy! Thank you for taking the time to leave me a lovely comment and helpful feedback!

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