3 Ways to Make Shaker Cards – Papercrafting Playdate 109

The sound and interaction of a shaker card is hard to resist no matter a person’s age. Sparkly bits that can be seen through a window and move by turning or flipping is just fun stuff! If you have never made a shaker card before, or if it has been awhile, or even if you just made one yesterday I’m positive you will enjoy seeing how shaker cards get put together. Let me introduce you to three ways to make shaker cards.

All the shaker cards shared for Papercrafting Playdate 109 – 3 Ways to Make Shaker Cards

Watch the replay of my live video tutorial to see the process of making shaker cards in action, then download the pdf to follow along with as you create a shaker card on your own.

Papercrafting Playdate Episode 109 – 3 Ways to Make Shaker Cards

3 Ways to Make Shaker Cards

  1. Faux Shaker Card
  2. Standard Shaker Card
  3. See-Through Shaker Card
3 Ways to Make Shaker Cards: Faux Shaker, Standard Shaker, and See-Through Shaker

Essential Shaker Card Elements

  • Shaker Pieces – sequins, beads, large glitter, dots, sand, tiny paper pieces, confetti
  • Window Sheets – also known as acetate
  • Foam Adhesive – can use foam strips or foam sheets

Faux Shaker Card (a.k.a Faker Shaker)

A faux shaker card eliminates the need for using window sheets and foam adhesive by creating the shaker element with a clear envelope. The Confetti Birthday Kit from Stampin’ Up! is perfect for getting started with faux shaker cards because all the cutting is done for you. See the link below.

Standard Shaker Cards

Creating a shaker element is fairly simple as long as you know how the layers go together. Once you’ve mastered the shaker layers then the sky is the limit for creating shaker cards.

How to Layer a Shaker Window From Top to Bottom

  • Cardstock or DSP with a shaped window/hole
  • Window Sheet/Acetate slightly larger than the shaped window/hole
  • Foam adhesive placed or cut to surround the window/hole without being seen
  • Shaker Bits
  • Cardstock or DSP the same size or larger than #1 without a window/hole

See-Through Shaker Card

You only have to change out one layer of the shaker window to create a See-Through Shaker Card, and you end up with a delightful shaker element that can be seen whether the card is opened or closed!

I hope you are seeing the possibilities for creating shaker cards in all kinds of different ways with just about any stamp set and type of shaker element. I challenge you to set aside some time to try a shaker card to share with someone very special!

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6 thoughts on “3 Ways to Make Shaker Cards – Papercrafting Playdate 109”

  1. I was very happy to see you create the Shaker cards. On my 2024 Techniques to Learn List, this is one of the cards I wanted to try. I have never made one but have watched others making them and I wanted to give it a try. Thank you for all your inspiration and PDF’s. Anita

    1. I love that you have a list of things to learn for 2024. You’ve inspired me to start one in my new planner. I can’t wait for you to be able to check shaker cards off your list. What other things are on your list? Maybe you could help me plan some future content for my playdates?????

  2. You are a genius! I never thought to use the clear envelopes that stickers, stamps, etc. come in. I am on a budget so this is great to know. Thanks

    1. Hi Marie! Thank you for your comment – I’m glad you like the idea of using “junk” to make the shaker cards. Feels so much better to use them up rather than throwing them away!

  3. I also use the clear envelopes our Stampin Up dies, stamps and embossing folders come in otherwise
    they just end up being tossed!!!!
    Thank you Robin for this cute card idea!

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